
The beautiful things in life

As someone who has struggled with depression her whole life, it's important time to time to try and remember all of amazing things that life has to offer. After a horrible first date last night (SN: bad date story to come, so yaaaaaay) and all of the craziness happening in the world (hello, 45, I'm looking at you - STOP FUCKING TWEETING) now seems like as good of a time as any to take stock of the beautiful things all around. So, for a minute, I'd like to just list the things I am grateful for today. My morning run on the trail. Summer. My daughter's laughter, and her unconditional love for me. Ice cream, especially Halo Top, cause it fits into my current diet. Strength. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, so at this point, I think I could move mountains. My career & being appreciated enough at work to be promoted. My family. Coffee, and wine. Bully Hill, if you're buying. Sunflowers. Music, especially that one song that speaks volumes to you

Dating in your thirties

Alternative title: Set yourself on fire: It's way easier and less painful. After several months of no contact from my ex (and a world of getting my head straight after that train wreck), I finally decided that I felt ready to embark on the old "adventures in dating" life once again. And then I had a bad date and crumble into a puddle of "I'm sure I can just stay single forever, right?! I mean, who needs human contact, anyway? And love? Psht. Way over rated." Except it isn't. And so I'm back at it again. My first date was a few weeks ago with a gentleman I met online. I'm not doing any of the traditional online dating sites (that's a whole other story for another time), but instead I've joined a few Facebook social groups. Occasionally there are events where you can meet people, and sometimes some witty banter in the group will lead to an exchange of messages. That's what happened when I started talking to "F". We d

Chipped Nailpolish and Other Shit I Can't Get Right.

Sometime around 3:00 in the morning this week, my insomnia told me that I should write a book and call it "Chipped Nailpolish and Other Shit I Can't Get Right." It just seems to be a great theme lately. Let me back up a little. Hi, my name is Kristen and I'm a 36 year old single mom from NY. I recently bought my first home in a beautiful neighborhood, and last month I got a much sought-after promotion at work. I broke up with a leech-like ex boyfriend in January, and I've spent the last half of the year focusing on myself, my health, and my family. I've lost 35 pounds of weight that I put on during a bout of depression that comes with a failing relationship, through good old fashioned diet and exercise (aka the no fun hard way.) And I finally feel mostly ready and poised to take on whatever life throws at me. From the looks of it, I have all my ducks in a row. From the looks of it.... But there are those times when I'm up at 3 am. And as I look down an